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Sakura Mini Pilot reactor

Sakura Mini gives you flexibility without compromise, with a range of interchangeable 10-30 L vessels featuring the latest reactor technology.
10 - 30L vessels
Double and triple wall vessels

Large Scale Evaporators EcoChyll

Industrial-scale high-speed evaporators for use in laboratory and commercial settings.​​​​
Eco-friendly and efficient self-cooling metal or Teflon-coated condensers
Revolutionary tankless cooling technology

Hydrogen Rotary Evaporator

High-performance all-in-one rotary evaporator
Zero material waste
Does not require dry ice or glycol

Reactor-Ready™ Flex Lab Reactor

A flexible reaction system that can be configured to suit your budget and application.
Automate your Lab Reactor
Configure your system

Automated Nanoparticle System – ANP

Controlled synthesis of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs)
From 200µl to continuous production
Highly reproductible

ACCQPrep HP150

High Pressure Preparative Liquid Chromatography System
Flow rates from 1 to 150 mL/min
Operating pressure up to 6,000 psi


For safe storage of pharmaceuticals and valuable samples
Sustainable and energy-efficient
Password-protected access rights and integrated data logger


Varioshake shakers are equipped with a large number of possible shaking movements for a wide variety of applications.
Inexpensive and variable whether for standard work or as a special solution
Compact design: The shakers fit into any laboratory environment to save space

Puridest water stills

Easy to use, reliable and robust water treatment systems for laboratory use.
High distilling quality without consumables
Creates a highly pure distillate with excellent conductance value


Green Preparative SFC: Chiral or Achiral Separations in a single, compact solution​​
Single touchscreen operation
Active solvent and waste level sensing

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