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Hydrogen utilities

While large-scale usage in the automotive industry may still seem far away, hydrogen gas already has a variety of applications in our current society. In hydrogen utilities, it serves extensively in hydrogenation reactions within the chemical industry and in laboratories as carrier gas for gas chromatography, scientists around the world are finding more and more applications each day.


Process circulation chillers for industrial applications with cooling outputs from -5°C up to 25°C

Integral T

Process thermostats from -30°C up to 150°C
Min. working temperature -30 °C
Max. working temperature 120 °C

Integral XT High Temperature

Extremely broad temperature range and rapid temperature changes. From -90°C up to 320°C Different sizes are available.


Circulation chillers for variable use in the laboratory, mini-plant and production for temperatures from -20°C up to 40°C

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